
Spiritual Engineering for Comprehensive Well-Being

Expanded Awareness

Expanded awareness evolves by consistent self-examination and contemplation, which heightens and expands perception. This increase in perception will help you to see yourself, others, and situations more clearly. It will also help you to strengthen your will, discover your purpose, and provide the foundation for your physical and spiritual development.

Trauma and Addiction

Your brain adapts to trauma by adopting behaviors that temporarily provide relief from painful experiences and conditions. Unfortunately, as we age, many of these behaviors become increasingly addictive and destructive, generating an unconscious force that undermines the foundations of our health and relationships.

Unhealthy Relationships

Developing healthy relationships in all dimensions is vital for physical and spiritual development. Therefore, examining our habits and personal and professional relationships is essential. The most difficult aspect of examining relationships is finding out that there are relationships you think are healthy but are unhealthy. Many times, these unhealthy relationships define who we are as a person so deeply that we choose to live with them rather than releasing them and creating healthy ones.

Healing and Recovery

You will learn to overcome trauma and addiction at the Logos Academy by understanding their origins. Then you will repurpose the unconscious force that drives your destructive behaviors by consciously directing them toward constructive patterns of behavior that reinforce your well- being.

Breath Awareness

Learning to breathe deeply and fully will help you to remain calm in stressful situations. By simply becoming aware of your breath as it enters and exits your body helps you to attain a peaceful state of mind. Breath awareness is a powerful tool to learn how to remain present in every moment.

Plant-Based Nutrition

At the Logos Academy, you will learn to eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains, which are nourishing and delicious. Plant-based nutrition can help you to regulate your metabolic health, protect your cells against environmental toxins, genetic predispositions to disease, and induce clear intellectual and emotional states of mind. Plant-based nutrition is essential for your physical and spiritual health.

Learn More about Plant Based Nutrition

Physical Fitness

You must move your body. Take a daily twenty-to-thirty-minute walk. Any way you can move is good. You can do hatha yoga, basic calisthenics, dance, yardwork, or housework. Just move your body and break a sweat.

Reducing the Noise

Our culture is full of unnatural cultural noise, which destroys our connection to mother nature, each other, interferes with our spiritual development, and our ability to perceive higher states of consciousness. It is only by withdrawing often from the surrounding noise that we can unite with the powerful signals of the Logos, which emanate in nature, and from deep within our consciousness, moving us toward God and Goodness as we evolve through our practice.

Super Consciousness

Superconsciousness is produced when the unconscious mind is communicating with the conscious mind without the influences of trauma, egotism, and primal desires which produce distorted perceptions and actions. In the Super Conscious expression there is a maturity of the psychosexual emotional aspects of our consciousness that allows for a higher level of perception and knowledge to take place.

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening is the natural result of the fruition of your practice. It is not something that can be forced or conjured by the intellect or emotions. It happens naturally, just as a flower releases its fragrance, or a fruit ripens on the vine. It is an evolutionary process that comes by practicing and cultivating the principles of the Logos Academy. Remember, information is to the seed as knowledge is to the flower as wisdom is to the fruit.