Logos Academy Principles


God is the foundation of the Logos Academy. Without God, our egos guide us, but with God, a higher intelligence guides us. When we attune to that intelligence through our spiritual practice, we evolve our egos to become a force carrier for goodness.


God is Good, and Goodness is a quality developed in human beings as a characteristic of God. As we mature, we strive to understand Goodness through our spiritual development.


God is One. The qualities and characteristics that are associated with a malevolent force in the Universe can be easily explained by a privation or lack of development of Goodness within the human nature. Ignorance of God and Goodness is the cause or our suffering in the world. We need not look any further than our own human nature to understand the causes of our personal and collective suffering. Human beings that are not balanced spiritually and physically have not matured to reflect the qualities of Goodness, which provide the foundation for our spiritual growth and the development of our enlightenment.


Dialetheism means two truths. Most of our experiences are both good and bad. With the dialetheist approach we are not pre-judging everything as good, bad, right, or wrong, but we are observing patterns and behaviors while using our awareness to discern the reason, value, and meaning that can be extracted from those patterns of behavior. In other words, we learn from every experience in our lives. What we perceive as good can become bad, and what we perceive as bad can become good, but in that transition through those extreme expressions, we can always learn. We stop judging and begin discerning.


Cultivate your practice step by step until you achieve your fullest potential. As you develop praus, which is an ancient Greek word for “strength through discipline”, you will reclaim potential energy that you have lost in undisciplined behavioral patterns. You will make huge arcs of progress by approaching your physical and spiritual transformation with patience.


Family is one of the most critical aspects of developing a spiritual life. Ideally our parents provide the model for our growth and development physically and spiritually. Practically we strive to heal the wounds from our childhood and if we do not have family of our own, we find family in our spiritual connection to other human beings.


Friendship is where we apply our spiritual practice and learn about ourselves through our interactions with one another. We develop strong bonds through good and bad times. Human relationship is where we build our character. It is also where we learn to turn away from unhealthy behaviors and develop discernment.


Understanding the way Mother Nature and our body and brain functions is critical for our spiritual and physical health. Science is not the enemy of a spiritual person, and spirituality is not the enemy of science. We must put faith into action, and we must put science to work in our practice. Science demands that we develop a keen sense of observation, develop our intuition, instincts, and cultivate pattern predictability with a high degree of accuracy. Science is a tool for higher understanding.

Nous (Divine Intellect)

Nous is an ancient Greek word for the part of our intellect that has access to higher or divine knowledge. When we focus on expanding our consciousness through self-examination, contemplation, and prayer, we can tune into a higher level of consciousness that aligns us with God.


Bodhicitta is a concept in Buddhism. It translates as heart-mind. Our consciousness has two components to it, one emotional and one intellectual. When we grow in spiritual development, we are growing our heart-mind consciousness. We grow in both the intellectual field and the emotional field. We grow a higher form of compassion and understanding as we evolve in our spiritual practice. Feeling God in our hearts and knowing God in our minds are both critical for our physical and spiritual health.


Gnosis means direct knowledge of God. When we attune to God, we feel in our hearts and know in our minds the power and truth of God’s existence. This knowing is expressing itself through our maturity as the fruit of our spiritual practice.


Henosis is a Greek word for union with God or Oneness. In Gnostic Christianity this is known as contemplation. In Buddhism it is called nirvana, and in Yoga it is called moksha. In every mystical tradition there is a teaching that humans can directly contact God and in doing so, transform their consciousness through their spiritual practice and unify with the Creator.


Love gives life value, meaning, and reason. Love, accept, respect, and honor yourself, wherever you may be in your personal journey. Keep evolving toward personal development, physical health, and spiritual enlightenment.